Paint 'em cowboys
Hey, we finally caught our terrific contractor, Alex, on film. We had our weekly pow-wow before the next phase's work begins (Tom's behind camera, of course)!
So, after a week long effort, we're ready for painting. Unfortunately there are a limited amount of pictures because Tom & I high-tailed it out of town for the rest of the week...avoiding the fumes. But here's some of the prep and then the final result.

As you can see, our new best pals Paulo and Robson (spelling?) are a perfect fit for working
our job. No ladders needed for 99% of the work! Comes in handy too when Suzanne needed to clear the "
floor to ceiling" book shelves in a hurry...again, no ladder needed for once!

As you can see it is not easy to capture the true color, but at least it suggests the basic look we've aquired. On the left is a plain white paper next to colored wall and white door.

On the right is the whole room. Not shown is that the color is continued all throughout the dining & living rooms and upstairs' hallway.

The final step taken so far was the initial installation of hardwood for the kitchen floor. When everything else is installed and done, they will come back to sand everything down and coat with top coats.
Now, we wait. Cabinets are coming soon!
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